384 research outputs found

    Fluid Simulations with Localized Boltzmann Upscaling by Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo

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    In the present work, we present a novel numerical algorithm to couple the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method (DSMC) for the solution of the Boltzmann equation with a finite volume like method for the solution of the Euler equations. Recently we presented in [14],[16],[17] different methodologies which permit to solve fluid dynamics problems with localized regions of departure from thermodynamical equilibrium. The methods rely on the introduction of buffer zones which realize a smooth transition between the kinetic and the fluid regions. In this paper we extend the idea of buffer zones and dynamic coupling to the case of the Monte Carlo methods. To facilitate the coupling and avoid the onset of spurious oscillations in the fluid regions which are consequences of the coupling with a stochastic numerical scheme, we use a new technique which permits to reduce the variance of the particle methods [11]. In addition, the use of this method permits to obtain estimations of the breakdowns of the fluid models less affected by fluctuations and consequently to reduce the kinetic regions and optimize the coupling. In the last part of the paper several numerical examples are presented to validate the method and measure its computational performances

    A multi-layer model for self-propelled disks interacting through alignment and volume exclusion

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    We present an individual-based model describing disk-like self-propelled particles moving inside parallel planes. The disk directions of motion follow alignment rules inside each layer. Additionally, the disks are subject to interactions with those of the neighboring layers arising from volume exclusion constraints. These interactions affect the disk inclinations with respect to the plane of motion. We formally de-rive a macroscopic model composed of planar Self-Organized Hydrodynamic (SOH) models describing the transport of mass and evolution of mean direction of motion of the disks in each plane, supplemented with transport equations for the mean disk inclination. These planar models are coupled due to the interactions with the neighboring planes. Numerical comparisons between the individual-based and macroscopic models are carried out. These models could be applicable, for instance, to describe sperm-cell collective dynamics

    Topological interactions in a Boltzmann-type framework

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    We consider a finite number of particles characterised by their positions and velocities. At random times a randomly chosen particle, the follower, adopts the velocity of another particle, the leader. The follower chooses its leader according to the proximity rank of the latter with respect to the former. We study the limit of a system size going to infinity and, under the assumption of propagation of chaos, show that the limit equation is akin to the Boltzmann equation. However, it exhibits a spatial non-locality instead of the classical non-locality in velocity space. This result relies on the approximation properties of Bernstein polynomials

    A macroscopic model for a system of swarming agents using curvature control

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    In this paper, we study the macroscopic limit of a new model of collective displacement. The model, called PTWA, is a combination of the Vicsek alignment model and the Persistent Turning Walker (PTW) model of motion by curvature control. The PTW model was designed to fit measured trajectories of individual fish. The PTWA model (Persistent Turning Walker with Alignment) describes the displacements of agents which modify their curvature in order to align with their neighbors. The derivation of its macroscopic limit uses the non-classical notion of generalized collisional invariant. The macroscopic limit of the PTWA model involves two physical quantities, the density and the mean velocity of individuals. It is a system of hyperbolic type but is non-conservative due to a geometric constraint on the velocity. This system has the same form as the macroscopic limit of the Vicsek model (the 'Vicsek hydrodynamics') but for the expression of the model coefficients. The numerical computations show that the numerical values of the coefficients are very close. The 'Vicsek Hydrodynamic model' appears in this way as a more generic macroscopic model of swarming behavior as originally anticipated

    All speed scheme for the low mach number limit of the Isentropic Euler equation

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    An all speed scheme for the Isentropic Euler equation is presented in this paper. When the Mach number tends to zero, the compressible Euler equation converges to its incompressible counterpart, in which the density becomes a constant. Increasing approximation errors and severe stability constraints are the main difficulty in the low Mach regime. The key idea of our all speed scheme is the special semi-implicit time discretization, in which the low Mach number stiff term is divided into two parts, one being treated explicitly and the other one implicitly. Moreover, the flux of the density equation is also treated implicitly and an elliptic type equation is derived to obtain the density. In this way, the correct limit can be captured without requesting the mesh size and time step to be smaller than the Mach number. Compared with previous semi-implicit methods, nonphysical oscillations can be suppressed. We develop this semi-implicit time discretization in the framework of a first order local Lax-Friedrich (LLF) scheme and numerical tests are displayed to demonstrate its performances

    Hydrodynamics of self-alignment interactions with precession and derivation of the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation

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    We consider a kinetic model of self-propelled particles with alignment interaction and with precession about the alignment direction. We derive a hydrodynamic system for the local density and velocity orientation of the particles. The system consists of the conservative equation for the local density and a non-conservative equation for the orientation. First, we assume that the alignment interaction is purely local and derive a first order system. However, we show that this system may lose its hyperbolicity. Under the assumption of weakly non-local interaction, we derive diffusive corrections to the first order system which lead to the combination of a heat flow of the harmonic map and Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert dynamics. In the particular case of zero self-propelling speed, the resulting model reduces to the phenomenological Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equations. Therefore the present theory provides a kinetic formulation of classical micromagnetization models and spin dynamics

    Degenerate anisotropic elliptic problems and magnetized plasma simulations

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    This paper is devoted to the numerical approximation of a degenerate anisotropic elliptic problem. The numerical method is designed for arbitrary space-dependent anisotropy directions and does not require any specially adapted coordinate system. It is also designed to be equally accurate in the strongly and the mildly anisotropic cases. The method is applied to the Euler-Lorentz system, in the drift-fluid limit. This system provides a model for magnetized plasmas

    Local stability of perfect alignment for a spatially homogeneous kinetic model

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    We prove the nonlinear local stability of Dirac masses for a kinetic model of alignment of particles on the unit sphere, each point of the unit sphere representing a direction. A population concentrated in a Dirac mass then corresponds to the global alignment of all individuals. The main difficulty of this model is the lack of conserved quantities and the absence of an energy that would decrease for any initial condition. We overcome this difficulty thanks to a functional which is decreasing in time in a neighborhood of any Dirac mass (in the sense of the Wasserstein distance). The results are then extended to the case where the unit sphere is replaced by a general Riemannian manifold
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